Friday, April 15, 2011

What Can Be Done?

Egypt really needs help, now is the time to help the country. The government must be stopped, and the unfairness must be killed. We as human must do something to help the people now that he government is being corrupt. Citizens have rights and the rights must be followed. If people want to protest, they have the right to protest, but the government isn't helping and are starting acting abnormal and without thinking. People know how the government is being unfair to the country and are starting to protest about. The solution is that the government must hear the people, not to kill them and go against them. 

Why a choice to violate the right and rules that have been already made? The government must follow the "Declaration of Human Rights" to lead a country. It is unfair and selfish of how they want to control the nation and country. Unfairness and selfishness doesn't work right. The only thing that those two words create is problems and conflicts within the people. Those the government is seeing that? Or just acting abnormally and selfish? Please open the eyes and get real. Hear the people, what they need to say, don't break the human rights. The government must be the leader not the killer. 

If people isn't okay and sure about the government they have the right to protest. the government must hear and act about people's complains. The government had taken the people's rights of voting, working, changing, protest, and talk. Egyptian right now what they need is a leader that guide them in a fairly and normal way. If the problem is the lack of money and supplies get help. Please act correctly and appropriate.

We has the citizens of Egypt are searching for fairness and help. We heed help from you, a thing that we are not getting from our own country. We need a leader that guide us has we need. One who help us and hear us, not another leader that kill us and put us in pain and need. We hope that you open your doors and help us in what we are searching for. The only one hear in need is the government. We are just normal people that doesn't know why the government is acting such way. It is the lack of money, supplies. Help us and guide us to a long, long journey to peace!

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