Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Egypt Human Rights Issues

The Egyptian government is really strict. The government of Egypt is restricting some rights to the citizens of Egypt. People in Egypt are protesting about all the restricting right that have been taken from the citizens.There's a huge protestation of Egyptian citizens for the government is getting violent and aggressive. the picture is a great evidence of what is going on in Egypt. Citizens may act how ever they want to act to get what they want. The government most stop being selfish and start thinking about the people wants and needs. The Government and military aren't doing a thing to solve the problem. The only thing they are making is acting violent and killing people that are against there unfair and selfish law. I think it isn't a great decision to want to stop this protestation by violence. They are killing also the immigrants that are crossing the border to come and get a new life. That's not good and they just had helped them. The government is arresting innocent people just because they are against the law and the unfair government they want to made in Egypt. 

The news has evidence that the government is acting with violence. The CNN has reported that the president of Egypt, Cairo, Mr. Mubarak and his son are getting arrested for killing some people that were protesting on the Tahir Square.  Is unbelievable how the president had committing such a crime. That tell a lot of his personality and his sons personality two. That isn't a great president and leader. That isn't what people really want now! Here's a short video explaining more about the case.

I think that a choice to stop this protestation is to hear people and hear what they need to say about. Let the violence out of this issue. Violence is not a choice to control people. I mean violence make people get more furious and this can get worse that is have been already been.

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