Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Best Proposal!

1- Mexico (Angelica)
2- Samalia (Paola C.)
3- Haiti (Ian)
4- Sudan (Jalimar)
5- India (Shariemar)
6- Tunisia (Adriana N.)
7- China (Natalia S.)
8- Dominican Republic (Natalia C)
9- Indonesia (Anluisgie)
10- Cuba (Giovanni)

I think this chosen top ten are all the most needed countries of the world that really need the help; also that are in huge protest and chaos. All the countries were in need but this top ten are the ones who need the help and support rapidly. We as the other countries need to help this countries that really need the help and support of all of us!

Push the BUTTON and help them!

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Can Be Done?

Egypt really needs help, now is the time to help the country. The government must be stopped, and the unfairness must be killed. We as human must do something to help the people now that he government is being corrupt. Citizens have rights and the rights must be followed. If people want to protest, they have the right to protest, but the government isn't helping and are starting acting abnormal and without thinking. People know how the government is being unfair to the country and are starting to protest about. The solution is that the government must hear the people, not to kill them and go against them. 

Why a choice to violate the right and rules that have been already made? The government must follow the "Declaration of Human Rights" to lead a country. It is unfair and selfish of how they want to control the nation and country. Unfairness and selfishness doesn't work right. The only thing that those two words create is problems and conflicts within the people. Those the government is seeing that? Or just acting abnormally and selfish? Please open the eyes and get real. Hear the people, what they need to say, don't break the human rights. The government must be the leader not the killer. 

If people isn't okay and sure about the government they have the right to protest. the government must hear and act about people's complains. The government had taken the people's rights of voting, working, changing, protest, and talk. Egyptian right now what they need is a leader that guide them in a fairly and normal way. If the problem is the lack of money and supplies get help. Please act correctly and appropriate.

We has the citizens of Egypt are searching for fairness and help. We heed help from you, a thing that we are not getting from our own country. We need a leader that guide us has we need. One who help us and hear us, not another leader that kill us and put us in pain and need. We hope that you open your doors and help us in what we are searching for. The only one hear in need is the government. We are just normal people that doesn't know why the government is acting such way. It is the lack of money, supplies. Help us and guide us to a long, long journey to peace!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Egypt Human Rights Issues

The Egyptian government is really strict. The government of Egypt is restricting some rights to the citizens of Egypt. People in Egypt are protesting about all the restricting right that have been taken from the citizens.There's a huge protestation of Egyptian citizens for the government is getting violent and aggressive. the picture is a great evidence of what is going on in Egypt. Citizens may act how ever they want to act to get what they want. The government most stop being selfish and start thinking about the people wants and needs. The Government and military aren't doing a thing to solve the problem. The only thing they are making is acting violent and killing people that are against there unfair and selfish law. I think it isn't a great decision to want to stop this protestation by violence. They are killing also the immigrants that are crossing the border to come and get a new life. That's not good and they just had helped them. The government is arresting innocent people just because they are against the law and the unfair government they want to made in Egypt. 

The news has evidence that the government is acting with violence. The CNN has reported that the president of Egypt, Cairo, Mr. Mubarak and his son are getting arrested for killing some people that were protesting on the Tahir Square.  Is unbelievable how the president had committing such a crime. That tell a lot of his personality and his sons personality two. That isn't a great president and leader. That isn't what people really want now! Here's a short video explaining more about the case.

I think that a choice to stop this protestation is to hear people and hear what they need to say about. Let the violence out of this issue. Violence is not a choice to control people. I mean violence make people get more furious and this can get worse that is have been already been.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Egypt Background History

Egypt is one of the most fertile and abundant area of Africa. Because of the fertile and great abundance, people came to live in Egypt approximately, 40,000 years ago. Egypt was divided into two kingdom, the Upper and the Lower kingdoms. The king of the Upper kingdom conquer the king of the Lower kingdom and made Egypt into one big kingdom. People called the ruler of the kingdom Pharaoh.

Egypt's natural resource base is extremely limited. Prior to the 1952 revolution, which overthrew Egypt's monarchy and established the present republic, the Egyptian economy was based primarily on farming. Today, agriculture contributes about one third of Egypt's gross domestic product and Egypt, once self-sufficient in food, now imports nearly one half of its foodstuffs. Since the '50s, the Egyptian State had taken upon itself most of the national industrial production, and the establishment of prices and quotas in many sectors. A complex welfare system co-existed with a strict control of the civil society. Most foreign exchange earnings were determined by external factors such as: oil exports, tourism, foreign aid, worker remittances, and so on.

Egyptian economy is based on its natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, and several minerals. There are no permanent pastures, forests, or woodlands. Dependence on food imports is heavy. Almost all large-scale industry is in the public domain. Manufacturing produces mainly consumer goods, but also some iron, steel, aluminum, and cement. Economic diversity began in 1960 with industrialization efforts, development of oil revenues, tourism, Suez Canal income, and remittances from expatriates working in various Arab countries.

The Pyramid Age lasted for five centuries and was followed by a long history of invasions. A Persian invasion overthrew the last Pharaoh in 525 B.C., and Persians ruled intermittently until 333 B.C. when Alexander the Great arrived, became the "king" of Egypt and founded Alexandria. Direct and exploitive Roman rule began in 30 B.C. upon the death of Cleopatra, lasting six centuries until 640 A.D. The Arab conquest of Egypt (639-641) eventually transformed a predominately Christian society into a Muslim country in which the Arabic language and culture were widely adopted. A number of dynasties ruled Egypt between 868 and 1260. In 1250, Turkish tribes crossed the borders eventually converting to Islam and controlling Egypt until 1517 when the Ottomans added Egypt to their empire.

Egypt is one of the most populated country in the whole world. All things and events occurred during the history of Egypt took part of history. Is amazing how Egypt had survived a bunch of things, decade to decade, year to year. Egypt had been strong enough and well guide. It's interesting how Egypt had progressed. Egypt has a great history of how had they have progress and keep going forward, destroying all barriers that invade the country. Egyptian people helped their own country to keep going forward. Their customs and beliefs made them go popular and succeeds. 

For More Info:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Egypt Culture Celebration

Look at this Egyptian woman... look what she's wearing, how she looks, the clothing...! Isn't it interesting?!

Women in Egypt where threathed equally as man. They are a full citizen and can own their own houses and properties. After the marriage if they didn't want to give their properties and things to her husband they could. If the women was divorce, she could claim the ex-husband money and things to maintain herself and thir children. When the husband was in war, the women could manage all housee businesses. The only bad thing is that most women weren't educated to write and read, so their were some limitations too for women.

Ancient Egyptian had a love in fashion and their cultures. Pharoahs knowns as a God, they were gold jewelry. the clothing were classified on the caste hierarchy. Their tools for the clothing were linen, wool, animal skin, and feathers. Women's were the ones who made all the cloth. Royal Egyptian wore linen, a fine quality of cloth. Peasent wore cheap clothing, cause they were the one who made the building and nasty jobs. Clothing
Men normally wore loincloths or short skirt. Women wore robes and tight dresses.
Egyptians were very religious they believed in different Gods with different duties. the religious practice were seen of how the sun, moon, and planets move. egyptian were polytheistic, meaining that they believe in many gods and goddesses. Gods and Goddessed were represented as part human and part animal. Egyptian believe in rebirth into a new world. as I already explain, dead bodies were mummified. Then the bodies were buried in the chosen place, but Pharaohs were buried in huge pyramids. Religion

Children in under the age of four years stayed with their mother. Through the four years, children must show respect to their mother. The boy under four years old where educated by their father. Thee other sons attend to a village school and otheers to a designated school whr their study a career such as a priest or a scribe. In school they learned writing, reading, math, sports, and also morals and manors. At the age of fourtheen, the sons who fathers where farmers, had to joined their work. While the sons whos father is in a highr position stayed on school studying religion or government things.

Girls stayed at home practicing how to be a mother and a good wife. Also they were taught to dance and cook. Only daughter of wealthy families were taught reading and writing.

Egyptian ate their food with their hands. Also the status matter on the food. If you were wealthy you could get a great amount of food. If you were poor you would probably rceive less food. The poor people ate bread, onions, and sometimes fish. The wealthy ate different types of bead, vegetables, meat, and fruits.

Egyptian people could only grow certainly kind of food such as wheat and barley. they used the wheat to make bread and the barley to make beers. When they buried someone they buried them with beer so you could have it on the next world. They also ate meat. They didn't ate pigs because they thought that the pigs were leprosy. they ate also beef, mutton, duck, and goose. When egyptian were in the desert for some reasons they hate dates that they also put on the graves so they can eat that in the other world. the dates could  preserve in dry climate for a long time. Egyptian grown watermelons and other different types of melons.

Egyptians had good manors. They meet shaking up their hands, if they have a great relationship they kiss on the cheek. The Woman must extend the hand, if not the man most bow his head in greeting. If you're invited to an Egyptian house, you must bring chocolates, pastries and sweet things to give. You must give always the gift with the right hand, if the give is heavy, you must use both. If you're invited to an dinner, you must take off your shoes before entering. Dress appropriate, the appearance are important and tell how you are. You got to wait for the hostess to tell you where to sit. Eat with the right hand only. Don't salt your food, that's an insult. Leave a little food on the place when you finish eating, otherwise they keep giving you food and you hae to eat it. Etiquette

Egypt's celebration where celebrated with the magic of music and dances. Either on marriages, festivals, and celebrations. Egyptians used different variety of instruments. One group where the idiophones that includes clappers, sistra, cymbals, and bells. Second group where the membranaphones that includes tambourins and drums. The third group were the aerophones that includes flouts, clarinets, and trumpets. The last group where the chordophones that includes harp and lute.

The act of dancing where important rituals and celebrations. Traditional Music and Dances

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Egypt Overview

The historical and ancient country of Egypt is located in North Africa, along the Mediterranian Sea and the Red Sea. Egypt is divided into to land types: the black land and the red land. The Egyptians thought that the black land was the fertile land near the bank of the Nile. They used it to grow their crops. the black land could only be use to farm, because of the rich soil and the black silt that was deposited when the Nile flooded. 

The red land was described as the deserted, unfertile land. The land was used to protect Egypt from other countries and enemies. Also it provided some preciuos metals and semi-preciuos stones.   Egypt Geography
Egypt is one of the most populated country in the Middle East and in the Arab World. It has a population of approximately 82,079,636 people. a reason of the huge population is the birth rates. It has a 24.63 births and a 4.82 deaths, their is less people dying. 

Ancient Egyptian believed in many Gods and Goddesses. Each God and Goddess has their own duty to make peace and harmony. Ancient Egyptian believed that is was important to worship the Gods and Goddesses, to live a long, peacefully life.

Pharaohs take part also in religion. They were seen as the most powerful person in Ancient Egypt. They are called "Lord of the Two Lands" and "High Priest of Every Temple".

Pharaohs wore gold jewelry and fashionable clothings.

Egyptians believed in the afterlife. Dead people pass through the process of mummification. First, they announced the death. The bodies were embalmed and removed internal organs. Then, they pass through the process. The bodies after been dried out, they wrapped. Finally, they buried the body in the chosen place. Process of Mummification

Pharaohs pass through the same process too, but their bodies were buried in huge pyramids that they had been building seen born. The Pyramids are decorated with some drawing of their important life events.  

The Egyptian flag in composed of three different colors: red, white, and black. In the middle it has a symbol called "Eagle of Saladin". Each color in the flag has an especial meaning. The red represents the period were King Farouk's power was taken by an invader, army men. The white represents the beginning of the end of monarchy. The black represents the end of cruelty in the hands of Egyptian monarchy and British rule.

The capital of Egypt, Cairo. Cairo is the worlds biggest urban area full of life and movements. Cairo is wealthy and rich of everything.

The Egyptian army was one of the most largest army in the armed forces. The military branches were: Army, Navy, Air Force, Air Defense Command. the army consist of man of different ages, but man form ages 12 - 36 are obligated to join the army. The army was dominated be the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was not only seen  as a man but as a God and that gave him more power of the army.

The government was rule by different people. Ancient Egypt was Theocratic and was controlled by the clergy. The priest also take part at the government. The governmental officials included the vizier, or the prime minister, the chief treasurer, the tax collector, the minister of public works, and the army commander. Citizens had to pay taxes. The majority of the Egyptian people were slaves that work building the pyramids. Egypt Army and Government